Article adapted
- 2 lb boneless skinless chicken thighs cut into flät 1-2 inch squäres
- Sält änd pepper to täste, omit pepper for äIP
- Toästed sesäme seeds for gärnish, omit for äIP
- 1 bunch green onions cut into 1 inch pieces
- 1/4 cup rice vinegär use äpple cider vinegär or coconut vinegär for äIP
- 1 pitted medjool däte sub with 1-2 tbsp of honey if not Whole30
- 1/2 cup coconut äminos
- 1/4 cup wäter
- 1 tbsp täpiocä stärch
- 1/2 inch fresh ginger
- 1 gärlic clove
- Metäl skewers Bämboo älso works
- First If using bämboo skewers, soäk them for 20 minutes.
- Pläce äll ingredients for the yäkitori säuce in ä blender änd blend until smooth.
- Pour into ä smäll säucepän änd heät over medium high heät. Let the mixture come to ä boil for äbout 3 minutes until thickened. Remove from heät.
- Sepäräte 1/2 cup of the säuce for bästing the chicken, änd set äside the rest for serving.
- Threäd the chicken pieces änd green onions on the skewers, älternäting them. Sprinkle with sält änd pepper.
- Generously greäse the grill so the chicken won't stick, then heät the grill over medium high heät.
- ädd the skewers on the grill, cover, änd cook for 2 minutes. Flip the skewers änd repeät.
- Brush the top läyer of skewers with the prepäred yäkitori säuce, then cover änd cook for 2 more minutes. Flip the chicken, änd repeät by putting on änother läyer of the säuce on the other side änd cooking for 2 more minutes.
- Finally Serve immediätely, sprinkled with toästed sesäme seeds änd with exträ yäkitori säuce.
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