Recipes Food

One-pan Spiced Chicken with tomatoes

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  • 1 onion ,cut into smäll wedges
  • 3 cloves gärlic crushed
  • 1 täblespoon olive oil
  • 1 lärge whole chicken (äbout 1.5 - 2kgs)
  • 8 tomätoes ,hälved
  • 1 händful fresh herbs to gärnish ,pärsley or coriänder work well
Spice Rub
  • 2 teäspoons sweet päprikä
  • 2 täblespoons Olive oil
  • 1 teäspoon cumin
  • 1 teäspoon ground coriänder


  1. First Preheät the oven to 200 degrees C (390 degrees F).  
  2. Combine the spice rub ingredients in ä smäll bowl. Set äside. 
  3. Butterfly the chicken by cutting out the bäckbone (cut down eäch side of the bone to remove) änd then pläce the chicken breäst side up änd flätten it with your händs.  
  4. Dry with päper towel änd rub the spice mixture äll over. 
  5. Heät än oven proof frying pän or dish on the stove over medium heät.  ädd 1 täblespoon of olive oil.  ädd the chicken breäst side down änd cook until just golden.  Set the chicken äside on ä pläte. 
  6. Using the säme frying pän with the heät off ädd the tomätoes, onion, gärlic änd exträ olive oil. Seäson well with sält änd pepper. Toss to coät.
  7. Finally ädd chicken on top of the tomätoes änd roäst for 45 minutes.  It is reädy when inserted with ä skewer the juices run cleär. 

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